
Beijing Sheenline

Founded in 1997, Beijing Sheenline Group Co., Ltd. is the flagship group of China High Speed Rail Technology Co., Ltd..

With cutting-edge technologies such as intelligent equipment, 5G technology, big data and industrial internet, the company actively builds the technical system of intelligent operation and maintenance of rail transit system and is best known for its intelligent non-destrctive detection equipment, intelligent locomotive washing machine, robot cluster and system integration solutions. In the process of market application and promotion, it constantly explores the needs from customers, and makes research achievements such as

The company's products have been applied in all 18 railway bureaus, 7 motor train maintenance bases, 7 high-power locomotive maintenance bases, 7 main engine factories, 56 locomotive depots, 54 depots, 60 motor vehicle application, more than 30 urban rail transit depots and other fields in China.

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